Katalog WOOSH 2016/2017

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Odstąpienie od umowy:
W przypadku odstąpienia od umowy Konsument zobowiązany jest do zwrotu towaru "niezwłocznie, jednak nie później niż 14 dni od dnia w którym odstąpił od umowy" na własny koszt , zgodnie z art. 34 Ustawy o prawach konsumenta.


Technical specifications dimensions: 220x120x100 cm
Cover size: 77 cm in diameter Weight incl.Packaging: 1000 g
Semi-open beach tent provides protection against excessive the sun, waterproof protects against moisture for example wet sand.
The skeleton of the tent is made of resilient fiber wires - so that after pulling out of the cover and removing the protective rubber the tent unfolds quickly
Beach tent, especially recommended for families with children.
Easy to unfold
Easy folding and storage
Sun and wind shield, as well as sand
Lightweight, durable fiberglass construction
Includes a handy zippered ear cover - co makes it easy to move the tent
4 herrings
available in 4 colors
red blue
green - yellow

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